Monday, November 30, 2009

Full moon

As most of you will know, I'm good at "idle". Honing my skills in rain-happy, Galah-skied Victoria is a pleasure. Clare kept me at half-hop yesterday, walking to the horse, greeting the cow, pulling up a purple weed (and then more weeds in Blue's garden later in the day) and exploring the gold rush area. So much is familiar - particularly broekie lace verandas. Good meals, good company, the technological wonder of a 4 way Skype conversation with my favourite sister-in-Poland. It's all just what is needed at this stage.

It's the 1st of a new month and time to move on to the next stage of this reckless and selfish journey. I catch the train out of Albury to Sydney just before midnight tonight and then a plane at 15h00ish tomorrow afternoon, landing in San Francisco at 11h00ish tomorrow morning. I've done things with torches and oranges and maps and date lines and it still doesn't make sense - but is still exciting.

And now, here's the thing. I started this blog because I thought it would be the easiest way in which to keep those of you who were interested informed on the Cannibal and Missionary Gig. That's now over. The USA doesn't do Internet Cafes in a big way; cellphones, laptops and wifi spots rule. It's going to be a lot harder to find proper screens and keyboards from here on. Without the Big Story, what interest is there really in the aimless wombles of an out of work attorney? I have my Scribble Books. I have email addresses through which to share the right moments with the right people.

That's right. You've got it. This blog has reached its sell-by date. Thank you for sharing the past few mind-blowing, fun weeks with me.

Please look after yourselves and give me and each other a wave through the full moon.

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