Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chicken or beef?

If God had meant us to think, he wouldn't have given us aeroplanes or Richard Dawkins. Certainly not the combination of the two.  A combination that is exponential, not linear. Both are fundamentally noisy, rigidly controlled and hell-bent on getting you to your destination.

That's the sneaky part of both air travel and the good Prof D. I have to admit having chosen the destinations, Sydney and Evolution, but having done so I surrendered any further part or choice in how each is reached (other than chicken or beef, that choice remains). If I want to delay facing that hard-faced immigration official there's no way the okes up front of this double-decker cigar tube will oblige. If I want to say, "but hold on, I don't want to be related to a porcupine or pomegranate," Dawkin will inexorably but inevitably prove that I am.

That's all a complete load of old cobblers. It proves only that there in no way to make intercontinental air travel interesting and that if God had meant us to think he wouldn't have hired Dawkins to do it for us.

PS. I had the beef. 

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